About inherited retinal disease

It is estimated that around ~ 1 in 1380 people are living with an IRD, which is ~ 19,000 people in Australia.  1 2

IRDs are currently known to be:

  • the leading cause of blindness in working age adults and
  • the second leading cause of blindness in children in Australia (following cerebral visual impairment). 3

The total estimated lifetime cost per person with an IRD is $5.2 million , of which 87% are societal and 13% health care costs. 4

With over 300 genes 5 associated with over 20 different inherited retinal diseases, they are a complex disease area. 

In Australia, there is currently only one regulatory-approved treatment for an IRD – a gene therapy called Luxturna®, for those related to mutations in the RPE65 gene. Associated IRD conditions may include retinitis pigmentosa (RP) or Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). 

There are many clinical trials currently in development both in Australia and internationally. These are in the areas of gene therapy, stem cell therapy, optogenetics, pharmaceutical compounds and vision prostheses. We look forward new potential emerging treatments in the near future.


Shining a light on Australians affected by inherited retinal disease

For World Retina Day 2024, join Retina Australia in shining a light on the people living with an inherited retinal disease, the carers who guide them, the friends and family who support them, the clinicians who treat them and the researchers who are working hard to find treatments for them.