Our first webinar for 2022 was held on Thursday 26th May, and was an update from two of our recent research funding recipients, Professor Alex Hewitt, University of Tasmania and Associate Professor Fred Chen, Lions Eye Institute, Perth.
Primetime for Inherited Retinal Disease Gene Editing, Professor Alex Hewitt
There have been a number of major advances in gene editing technologies. The genetic correction of variants leading to inherited retinal diseases is now readily achievable. This presentation explored the current state of gene editing technology, and discuss the remaining barriers which need to be overcome, before gene editing is ready for primetime!
Looking for disease-causing mutations in families with dominant RP pedigrees, Associate Professor Fred Chen
Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) accounts for one third of patients with RP. In a Retina Australia funded project, genetic analysis of 41 families with dominant RP revealed a causative mutation in 32 families whilst 9 remained unresolved using a retinal dystrophy gene panel. The five most frequent genes encountered in families with adRP were PRPF31 (10 families), RHO (7 families), RP1 (4 families), HK1 (3 families) and PRPH2 (2 families). PRPF31 or RP11 has a unique feature in that some individuals carrying a mutation do not manifest retinal disease . In this talk, the reason behind RP11 non penetrance was explored and how this led to the discovery of VP-001 to treat RP11 is discussed.
You can watch a recording of the event here:
- good afternoon everybody i’d like to welcome you all to this first retina australia webinar for 2022.
- uh it’s a research update from two of our currently funded grant recipients professor alex hewitt and associate
- professor fred chen my name is sally turnbull and i’m the administrative officer for retina
- australia and i’ll be the facilitator of this webinar today our first speaker
- today is professor alex hewitt who is a principal research fellow at the menzies institute for medical research at the
- university of tasmania as well as a principal investigator at the center for eye research australia
- his major research interest lies in the ophthalmic applications of stem cell and gene editing technology
- alex obtained his phd from flinders university of south australia in 2009
- and completed formal ophthalmology training at the royal victorian eye and ear hospital alex led the first report
- of viral mediated crispr caste editing in the retina today’s talk is titled prime time for
- inherited retinal disease gene editing so i’ll hand over to him now so yeah
- thanks a lot for the introduction and um the it’s great to have the opportunity
- to talk about some of the research that we’ve been doing uh over the last couple
- of years and principally over the last 12 months with the support from retina australia
- um in a way i sort of think maybe fred and i should have had our talks around the
- other way because the major sort of thrust of our work has been on actually
- the uh genetic correction of uh variants that cause inherited retinal
- diseases and i think part of fred’s talk at least will be in identifying
- a patients who you know the genetic variants in different patients
- um so i guess i think uh when i think about sort of the changes that are happening in in
- medicine and and that that will affect humanity i find i think that earthrise
- you know has to be one of the most inspiring uh photographs for all of humanity um i find it amazing that we
- can send a rocket up into space
- have that land on an asteroid take a sample from that asteroid and then
- travel back to earth with a sample from that asteroid also find it amazing that we can launch
- a rocket into space that’s 15 stories high and actually managed to land that
- back on earth on a small platform floating in the ocean
- and so you have with all these major sort of advances in in physics why hasn’t uh
- biology uh caught up and you know why is it why why isn’t it possible for us just to
- go in and readily treat all of these inherited eye diseases
- and i think in part the part of the sort of answer to that is
- the actual complexity of the human genome so your genome is comprised of 3.3
- billion nucleotides or letters that make up your genetic code and just to
- comprehend the size of you of that genetic code if you imagine expanding
- each of the letters that comprise your genetic code up to be the size of a
- matchstick and then if you stack each of those matchsticks end on end you would
- have enough matchsticks to stretch from the earth to the moon and back to the earth and
- then back up to the moon again so certainly you know 3.3 billion nucleotides is a lot
- the you can also then sort of think of your genetic code being comprised of one
- of four different letters so essentially that means that you could color each of these matchsticks one of four
- different colors and all it takes for a disease to manifest is essentially to have one of
- those matchsticks either burnt or just discolored so painted
- one of the wrong colors and that can happen just in one site
- or for some conditions you actually need a handful of different changes uh to occur
- so in part the difficulty in uh in understanding or in treating inherited
- eye diseases has been in part just due to the complexity and size of the genome
- now when we think about potential treatments for different inherited eye diseases i
- think it’s important to appreciate that the treatment that will be best is going
- to be very dependent upon how far how far advanced different people’s
- disease is such that the more advanced it is
- treatment such as stem cell replacement and external technology are going to come to the fore
- whereas for the gene editing and gene replacement therapies which our team has primarily been
- focused on is certainly going to be needed in the earlier stages
- of the disease so essentially you’ll need a fair a reasonable amount of healthy remaining
- retinal tissue for gene editing to be potentially beneficial
- so focusing on gene editing in particular there have been recent advances over the past eight to nine
- years and these were essentially spawned from discoveries from emmanuel
- scharpenter and jennifer dalner’s laboratory whereby they were looking at the
- adaptive immune system of bacteria and they found that there was a unique
- protein complex called crispr which stands for clustered
- regularly in special palindromic repeats that appeared to be
- appearing in the genome of bacteria and they found that you could adapt this
- this protein with an rna complex such that it could then be used to
- target any specific region in the genome so essentially this protein
- is comprised of a protein component as well as an rna
- guide and that rna essentially is what’s used to bounce along the genome and once
- it finds a match in a particular site in the genome
- the protein is activated a bit like scissors and the dna is cut
- now cells don’t like uh its dna being cut and if you sort of imagine it as
- being a bit like uh the rope for a rock climber obviously if the weight
- of the rock liners if the rock climber’s weight is on the rope and you cut the rope they would naturally fall
- and similarly if dna in a cell is cut the cell will die
- so cells mammalian cells in particular have evolved mechanisms to rapidly repair
- the dna if it is cut and essentially rather than
- repairing that in a precise manner the cells mechanisms just aim to join
- the dna back together as quickly as possible and unfortunately errors can occur when that when that happens
- now as was mentioned before our team was the first to actually apply this uh gene
- editing technology uh to uh via a viral mechanism to the retina of a
- pre-clinical model and and essentially what we showed was that with very high
- efficiency you could actually use this machinery to alter the genes expressed in the retina
- so that’s all good and well if we want to potentially remove a gene or stop it from functioning well
- what about if we actually wanted to correct a specific disease-causing
- variant and so on that front there have been some major advances
- primarily that started again with this crispr enzyme complex
- whereby two groups in the us and in japan appended a different
- an additional enzyme onto this crisp endonuclease and essentially that
- enabled they also blunted the scissors on one aspect and essentially that enabled the
- chemical conversion of of one nuclear tied into another and essentially that
- means that you could then convert a blue matchstick into a red matchstick or a black matchstick into a red matchstick
- the following year after that major advance a different enzyme was evolved
- and appended onto the onto the endonuclease and that essentially facilitates
- the conversion of a green matchstick into a black matchstick or a red matchstick into a blue matchstick
- however what was alarming with all of this is that it was uh subsequently reported that
- as this complex was bouncing through the cell it was inadvertently editing
- other sites so it wasn’t just going to the site that you were aiming for it to target it was as it was
- transferring around it was having functions on other genes and essentially one way that you could
- think about this would be that if the instructions or if the genetic code in the cells
- you know the the what you’re hoping to have it say would say cook the lemon cake
- if uh if they if there was a spelling mistake that actually whereby the instructions were cool the lemon cake
- um obviously if you’re going to aim to send in a a
- crispr editor to correct the l uh in cool to to make it a k in cook
- what was happening is that you were inadvertently getting other spelling mistakes introduced
- so essentially that’s a bit like saying you know cook the chemin cake um so
- if that hopefully sort of makes sense um the one sort of big analogy for these crispr
- enzymes and the base editor system is essentially it’s a bit like having an
- eraser and a pencil combined in one and we had a talented phd student who
- based on some insight from david savage’s lab realized that you could essentially hide
- that eraser inside the pencil and that um that meant that you it is possible to
- that the rather than having it just tagged on one end of the protein and therefore having that enzyme just waving
- in the wind so to speak you could essentially bury it inside the protein hide it from other proteins and actually
- bring it closer to the dna of function where it could have its function
- and so essentially what peter did was actually screen through a range of different variants and essentially he found a
- sweet spot as to where you could hide that eraser and then from there he went on and screened a
- number of different variants um and with the aim of correcting those genetic
- changes and he found that the hiding the eraser inside the pencil
- actually increased the efficiency across a range of sites and also
- dramatically reduced these off-target effects peter went on to show that you could
- that it was possible to uh package all of that system up into an adeno
- associated virus um and that could well be important for future therapeutic
- delivery and he also went on to show that his engineered crispr system was actually uh
- extremely or you know the most efficient platform for the genetic correction of a
- individual change that causes usher syndrome so in particular bearing in the
- predicate here in 15 gene so essentially going back to that analogy of where the instructions were
- to cook the lemon cake essentially it meant that we had adequately corrected
- that initial spelling mistake but also avoided the inadvertent off-target effect
- so the natural uh question that leads on from all of that work is that well what
- about other potential disease causing variants so all of that technology is
- good if you just have one of those four specific changes in that particular sweet spot but what about all of the
- other range of genetic variants that can cause inherited disease or inherited retinal diseases
- and so returning to that crispr ended nuclease complex david liu’s lab in the u.s actually came
- up with the novel idea of appending a different enzyme onto a different part
- of the crispr complex and also extending that rna template that’s actually used
- to guide that protein along the genetic code and essentially that technology
- allows the genetic conversion of a green matchstick into any other color
- matchstick and similarly a black matte stick into any other color blue matchstick into any other color but a
- red matchstick into any other color so essentially they showed that it was possible to
- correct the genetic change of essentially any
- small genetic change that that causes a range of disease
- so the big question now was you know can how does this uh transfer across the
- range of of genetic variants that cause inherited eye disease
- and so to in an attempt to address this we designed essentially a big pooled
- experiment and the the big issue with this technology is that there’s a range of
- different combinations that you can have to essentially optimize the system so in
- order to get as high editing efficiency as possible it’s necessary to make a
- number of tweaks um to that to the rna and protein complex
- and it’s not initially clear as to which one would lead to the most effective
- designed a template whereby the the repair
- template as well as the target sequence was appended to each other and this was
- essentially designed for close to 12 000 established disease-causing variants
- that cause a range of inherited eye diseases and what was exciting was that we found
- that using this approach we could definitely identify
- distinct patterns of genetic correction and essentially that allows us to
- tease out some important factors that must be considered when designing
- these genetic correction therapies
- in particular that we found that the the distance between where the scissors
- are activating and the length of that repair template is particularly important
- so when it comes to the clinical translation of this technology i think
- we’re certainly edging closer to the clinic as fred will introduce in the in the next
- talk certainly the genetic diagnosis of inherited
- diseases is has improved dramatically over the past decade
- um it’s now possible for us to design the things and tools that will correct
- these genetic changes if they’re well defined and
- and in a small section of the genome it’s possible for us to model
- these these conditions so such that it’s possible to test this out
- in the laboratory before actually applying it to an an individual
- and then finally across australia now there’s a range of different improvements that are
- happening that will ensure the production of these therapies
- um so uh i was certainly grateful to the small army of
- phd students and postdoctoral fellows and and other collaborators who’ve
- contributed to all of this work um and i think one of the big take-home messages hopefully from
- the the talks today um is that there certainly is a small army of people who
- are working very hard on on all of this
- and finally we’d like to thank all of the funding support that’s contributed to this work
- in particular the grants from retina australia and i think that’s it’s really important to highlight the role that
- these uh grants do have in leveraging uh ongoing and
- bigger funding so i would certainly uh i think um happy to
- open the floor now to questions or have a combined uh questions
- at the end and if people are shy you’re certainly welcome to put questions into the
- the chat okay reeks van clinkin
- oh hi g’day g’day alex great presentation um i was just looking recently at a paper by um i think lee et
- a couple of years ago that reviewed um a lot of these genetic technologies and some of the issues around getting
- them working in practice and i left that um a bit depressed
- about all the barriers what’s what’s your feeling in terms of you know those
- the practical issues that have to be overcome to actually get this working in a cost-effective way yeah so
- um so i think we’re damn close and like you know always with researchers you know
- who says forward one step back um i think you know the um so i was saying the uh in terms
- of gene editing technology in the eye there has been a trial started for
- labour’s congenital amerosis so a rare condition that primarily affects
- children the and that that is just the sort of scissor
- technique not the uh the actual genetic correction or base editing method
- but there are clinical trials about to commence and there’s actually one starting in new zealand uh in a few
- months where they’re actually aiming to apply that uh the base editing technique to the liver
- um and to correct uh for hyperlipidemia um so i think you know
- the barriers that uh rapidly being overcome so i’d be certainly more optimistic than
- pessimistic about it that the big issue yo will be i think uh intervening at a
- time when patients would actually benefit from the therapy where otherwise they’ll need sort of
- other other sort of modalities that would be needed okay so hopefully that answers the
- question rick thanks yeah i noticed you’re actually a author on that paper as well a couple
- years ago i think again with all these
- technologies you you never want to be first in line but you don’t want to miss out um but i think if there’s been anything
- good come from the covert vaccine stuff i think it’s the
- proof that you know these platforms can be scaled up for therapy
- so i’d certainly um be hopeful and voiced that these therapies
- could be rolled out in a manner that that won’t break our health care system
- thank you so much alex and i think now that we’ve where fred is with us we’ll we’ll go ahead with the
- next speaker so associate professor fred chen is an inherited retinal disease specialist at
- the lion’s eye institute and royal perth hospital his academic position is at the university of western australia and the
- university of melbourne fred conducts several clinical trials in retinal diseases as the principal
- investigator and is the head of the ocular tissue engineering laboratory which focuses on translational research
- and drug development for genetic eye diseases fred and his group have published over 200 peer-reviewed papers and he serves
- on the editorial board of international journals and advisory boards for several pharma companies that develop novel
- treatments for retinal diseases he’s currently an investigator for treatment trials and stargardt disease and usher
- syndrome today he’s going to be talking about looking for disease-causing mutations
- in families with dominant rp pedigrees thanks very much fred thank you sally thanks
- for introduction and it’s a pleasure to present on our research funded by
- retinal australia i’m going to talk on dominant rp and first first i’m going to touch on
- inheritance patterns because there’s uh there are
- confusions regarding uh how we call dominant recessive and x-linked
- and then i’m going to talk about the genetic testing that were performed in these dominant rp pedigrees
- and then i’m going to talk about treatment for prpf31 which is one form of dominant rp
- so where do our patients come from there are two sources of patients
- my patients are enrolled into what we call the ward study which is western australian rental degeneration study
- majority of these patients are from our states and i have the impression that it’s about
- fifty percent of all the ird patients in the states are in this registry there’s also the australian
- inherited retinal disease registry led by john derose it’s a national registry and they’ve
- they suspect that they’ve captured about a quarter of all the australian r d patients
- i talked on this webinar two years ago in may 2020 and at that stage i
- presented how our water study was tracking it and we recruited 800 patients
- up to 2020 and in the last couple years we’ve recruited more so there’s now over
- a thousand 150 patients not all of these patients are
- uh or have inherited rental disease there were 684 so just over half have
- inherited rental diseases as of may this year about 300 have road coin dystrophy or we
- commonly call it rp 294 were typical rp so these are bone speakers with so attenuation pale discs
- some of them have asymmetrical rp five of them called sector rp and they’d had
- typical features of corrodoremia there are also patients who have female
- carriers and we know they have carrier status because of the the way the thunders look
- uh eight of them were female carriers for corollary and 17 were for x-linked rp so that’s rpgr
- and rp2 so i’m going to focus on
- dominant rp now when we define this it seems quite straightforward for most clinicians what’s x-linked recessive
- dominance there’s a group of patients where we don’t know which one it is so we call
- them simplex because they’re the only person in the family who has the disease
- there’s also mitochondrial diseases which i’m not going to talk about but but these are inherited through the mother to all the children and only
- females can pass it on it doesn’t typically cause rp they cause a mitochondrial retinopathy which can be
- confused with rp kss is kansai syndrome which is a condition with the motility disorder so
- problem with moving the eye plus retinopathy so i want to talk about that group i’ll focus on x-linked recessive
- dominant and the simplex so as you can see uh quite a large proportion of patients
- are the only person in their family uh affected by this condition that’s 42
- percent so so what what determines this kind of
- inheritance well we have to look back to to understand what what the gene is gene i
- tend to use the example of lego blocks uh we we
- we have about 29 000 genes on the dna
- and each one of this gene is a bit like the instruction booklet in the lego box it tells you what to do with these
- blocks and you can make a little pattern or little toy out of it we have two copies of every
- instruction book one from the mum and one from the dad except for those who those uh instructions on the sex
- chromosomes of x and y’s the cells uses both copies
- to make uh protein so these are like the lego blocks that are built these can be enzymes
- growth factors receptors structural proteins and many other things
- when there’s a faulty uh copy of the gene uh due to
- uh errors in the code or missing codes altogether
- there can be lots of function because the protein is not made or the
- protein doesn’t work when it’s made alternatively it can lead to production
- of a protein that is altered in this function which then inhibits other proteins
- made from the normal copy it can also lead to excessive production or hyperactivity of
- the protein so enzymes can be more active for example or they could be more of the
- growth factors produced rather than less so there are three three things that can
- can result from faulty copy of the gene the simplest
- inheritance to understand is actually the x-linked inheritance so males have only one copy of the x chromosome and
- one copy of the y chromosome females are two copies but only one of these is is functioning
- at any one time so males will manifest disease when the gene on the x chromosomes faulty because
- there’s no backup the females will manifest retinal disease when most of the retinal cells inactivate the normal
- x chromosome we still don’t know really how how female manifest is diseases there’s this
- research been done here and in melbourne looking at why do carriers manifest disease
- in some people so we do see corrodoremi carriers and rgp
- rpgr carriers who are severely affected by the condition
- and others are not affected at all here’s a family tree that’s rather
- complicated but you can see the females are drawn with the dots inside so they’re carriers and the males the boxes
- here are the affected male individuals so only
- only the females can pass the disease on to affected
- males males can only pass the condition onto female
- members recessive inheritance is generally
- due to two faulty genes and the combined severity of these two
- mutations would determine the severity of the disease so if you have two severe mutations you get a severe disease two
- mile mutations you get mild or even no disease manifesting they have one severe one mild you get moderate disease so the
- condition can manifest in many different ways based on the severity of the disease but the inheritance is pretty
- straightforward so here you have both parents who are carriers who are not affected by the
- condition but their children has a one in four chance of inheriting both 40 copies
- the most complex of all is actually the the dominant pedigree so these mutations can lead to loss of function gain a
- function or dominant negative effects so
- when there’s the loss of function it means that 50 percent of what’s produced is not enough in the
- eye often we find these mutations in proteins in genes that codes for
- proteins that can be used all throughout the body but yet the eyes are neither organ the only organ that’s affected
- so for most parts of the body 50 is enough but for the eye it’s not enough
- there are also mutations that cause increased function for example if there’s duplication of
- the gene or if the enzyme activity is increased it can be toxic prps1 is one
- example of that and then the mutations that are causing inhibitory effects for example prp h2 when the mutation can
- cause one copy to make a protein which then binds
- the healthy copies protein which is normal and then that has an inhibitory effect on the healthy copies uh product
- protein so here where it gets very complicated so a simplex case where there’s only one
- person affecting the family can be due to recessive gene can be due to excelling stream can be a dominant gene
- so we can’t assume when there’s only one person in the family that this is recessive condition which is what people
- tend to assume it is a dominant gene occurs uh in this situation when the parent patient is
- adopted so we have no access to parental information when there’s a de novo mutation or when the parents are non-penetrant
- then there are also situations where the dominant disease can present with a recessive pattern
- and where a recessive disease can present as a pseudo-dominant pattern
- i will explain a little bit more socio-recessive you can see this pedigree where neither
- parents are affected but there’s one two children affected here so you assume this is recessive but
- without further information you don’t really know that because here the mother father is actually affected but we may
- not know that because if the fathers are young he men have never manifested the disease
- so you don’t really know prior information and and if we do genetic testing we
- might find that this patient is a non-penetrant carrier and in fact there’s two other non-penetrant carriers
- so you can have a dominant disease which looks like a recessive pedigree
- here’s a pseudo-dominant pedigree you have the mother affected two trillion factor you think this is dominance pretty
- straightforward but then when you do the genetic testing you realize actually
- the father is a carrier of a mutation and this is often comes up when you have the siblings with very different
- manifestation because one of the copy of the mutation
- is from the father one’s from the mother but the mother has two copies and they could be mild and severe so you get
- different manifestation of this so so a dominant pedigree doesn’t always means it’s a dominant disease
- so in our retinal australia grant we we found 57 families with what we
- presume was dominant inheritance based on history so this is the key point just because the history tells us
- dominant doesn’t mean this is a dominant gene proband’s a current age of 50 and range
- from 11 to 89 synthetic onsets from about 25 years of age but that’s a huge
- range we have 41 pedigrees with preliminary results
- 10 are still pending analysis at molecular vision laboratory in the us and six patients have not provided dna
- and so there’s always a proportion of patients who are not willing or not wanting to know their genetic diagnosis
- and we leave them as as they are and at some stage they may change their
- mind or that you know their children want wants counseling regarding their
- risk of passing on the condition then they might come back to ask for genetic analysis
- there were three other families who presented with simplex or pseudo-recessive inheritance who were found to have dominant mutation so here
- are the the combined here the the results from the dominant families
- uh when we get the report back you know you send a dna off you get a report that says it’s positive likely positive or
- inclusive 60 63 of the report says
- have have a result that’s likely positive apology but quite a number of
- them have inconclusive results if you just send the dna as a swap to
- these companies you you’re stuck there with inconclusive result in 37 in fact even the 63
- is not that conclusive because you really need to test this the variance in other members of the
- family in the affected and the non-affected family to be absolutely sure
- so further analysis needs to be performed on not just the 37 but also those 63
- percent with further analysis we were able to solve seven additional families in this
- inconclusive basket
- um to assume undergoing further testing of suspected causative gene which was
- listed as inconclusive and we’re left with six families which we have no idea still what the genetic
- course is and they’re clearly dominant inheritance with the rp
- so here we have 63 percent who have positive results based on just a report alone but that requires
- confirmation on segregation analysis so that’s two extra samples of dna to be sent off for analysis
- and then with the australian id registry teams help expertise in this and further testing
- for large deletions which wasn’t covered in the previous panels we managed to solve another 22 so we’re
- now with 85 of the families solved here are the breakdown of the various
- families so the by far the most common is rp11 and there are 10 families in wa
- which affects 52 individuals and i’ve examined 30 of them it’s actually very
- difficult to examine all the family affected family members and the reasons are either they’ve passed away
- obviously we can’t examine them or their history of
- we get told about these individuals but there’s just no access to these people or they don’t want to come in for examination
- reduction is second most common it causes rp4 we have 30 affected
- individuals in these pedigrees and then there’s rp1 uh four families 16
- affected individuals hk1 which is hexokinase one uh three families separate families all with the same
- mutation but they’re not related and prph2 are two families and then you
- can see a scatter of other genes that only occurs in one family rp9 ip65
- and you know rp65 is a recessive disease but it can also cause dominant disease
- sag typically is a recessive disease as well but it can also cause dominant rp
- and similarly some of these other ones uh can be recessive more dominant but this is all
- dominant rp so with focusing down on prpf31 we have
- ten of these seven presented with the dominant pedigree so it was straightforward to know this was dominant disease but three had simplex
- pseudo-recessive pedigree and the reason was that either they were adopted
- or there was non-penetrance in the family so when the parents had it but wasn’t manifesting the disease
- seven of them were found on the panel as positive or likely positive but three were inconclusive and
- we had to search for the mutation of deletion by doing further testing
- and three of these seven uh three of the ten families had members in the family who were carriers carriers of the
- mutation by not manifesting rp and it’s been reported that less than
- five percent of these mutation carriers don’t have the disease you can look in the eye very carefully
- do electrophysiology and they’re normal they don’t have the disease and yet they have the mutation in the eye cells
- and and and the way it happens is because the healthy copy of the prp of 31
- can compensate the reduction in the faulty copy function by
- overproducing a pip 31 protein and because of this
- this understanding and then and also our understanding of how this gene is
- regulated we were able to develop a treatment for pip31 we targeted
- c not three which is another gene that suppresses prp-31 so if we can
- suppress the negative regulator that will allow more of the pip 31 on the healthy copy to be produced and this
- will then overcome the deficiency so two years ago i presented this timeline
- we had the war study present started in 2015 there was a collaboration between leia
- murdoch university between myself and sue fletcher we had phd students working on this
- which led to the discovery of this invention then the collaboration with pyc
- to further progress in pre-clinical studies and that today indicates the talk two
- years ago we had a plan to get this drug
- through the the pipeline to get fda approval looking at
- rabbit monkey studies large animal studies and
- and the plan for clinical trial this year so this is the timeline now
- in 2022 so we’re almost there at the completion of the uh the pre-clinical testing
- uh the sprinkle trial is planned for next year uh once we submit the fda for approval
- it can then be used in human what we’ll do prior to that also is the natural history study so there are
- several sites in the us and hopefully in australia as well
- looking at prpf natural history
- so that’s the update on the most common dominant rp gene in australia i presume
- similar situation is found in other states and i need to acknowledge lion’s
- institute uwa madong university and specifically red australia for funding this project to allow us to identify
- these patients uh pyc therapeutics for their help with the pre-clinical studies
- and all the various funding bodies and donations our team of scientists and fellows in uh working on these cells and
- recruiting patients the studies and jade for organizing all the meetings
- between myself and my team john derose team id registry is
- is critical and indispensable in our work because without them
- a lot of these families will still not be solved and you know we’ll still be able to diagnose
- many of the families who had inconclusive results from the initial panel
- and uh clinic staff in looking at these patients and the referring clinicians optometrist thank you
- thank you so much fred that was great and so exciting to hear about these new developments and the the upcoming
- clinical trial um so we’ve got an opportunity to have some more questions from people um i
- think alex is still around um so uh if you’ve got any questions for either alex
- or fred just raise your hand um you can also use alt y on the keyboard
- if that’s more convenient for you and we’ll just
- wait to hear from people has anyone got a question
- i was going to ask a question actually fred i just wanted to get an idea you talked about a panel of genes that
- you’re testing for how many how many different genes are in the panel because obviously you’ve shown us
- some there but were there a whole lot more that didn’t appear in that yeah so it varies between depending on when we
- test the gene so in the very early phases we’re talking about like only 50 genes
- but now the the oregon gene panel has 988 genes and they also look at copy
- number variations as well in addition to that and even with 988 genes being looked for
- i don’t think the rate of finding positive result is is going to increase
- because the majority of the new genes that’s added to the panel it is not actually related to rpgs
- amazing what sort of timeline is there on the the clinical trial that’s starting how
- how long will the do you think that that process will take
- in general these trials are last several years they are also phase one two and three so
- the different trials for different purposes phase one trials tend to last one to two years looking for toxicity
- and tolerability and many drugs are knocked out that state so if they cause any side effect
- that’s you know not anticipated because they didn’t see any monkeys then it goes no further
- and those that pass first phase one will go into phase two sometimes they combine phase two three
- uh which can last another couple of years for each patient for rare diseases because it takes
- longer to recruit you can imagine you’re trying to find this patient it may take two years to find all the patients and
- another two years for the last passion to finish so you’re talking about four years from starting another year for results so that’s five
- years just for phase two and then after phase two you’ve got phase three phase three depending on the
- design for drug therapy usually again two years like intravitreal injections or usually two years for gene therapy
- it’s usually five years plus a running of one year so they’ll get treated in one eye another year
- later get treated in the other eye and then follow for five years so that’s six years for each patient
- and if you looking for rare diseases it depends on how quickly they can recruit for rare patients and
- it may take several years to recruit that and how many patients do you need to to
- make a a reasonable number it depends on the purpose so again for early phase for
- toxicity yes maybe a handful low dose handful high dose
- to see whether there’s any side effects so you could be looking at 10 to 15 or
- 20. whereas for larger trials for gene therapy trials we’re talking
- usually about 50 patients it’ll be worldwide of course because
- it’s very hard to find 50 rare disease patients and
- at different you know they’ll be randomized in one eye
- usually not treated in both eyes the delay in giving the treatment
- in those who are randomized to sham will give them some idea whether that that treatment is better than placebo
- sally there’s a question in the chat um if we have family members that haven’t sent in dna is it too late for
- them to do so ah never too late
- never too late the dna lasts basically forever uh so we we generally don’t need to
- collect dna unless you know we had to test it many many times and we used up the material but those who haven’t sent
- dna yeah they’re very welcome to send in there’s another question here um from
- kelly is there any research currently being undertaken for punctate in a choro choroidopathy
- so that’s an inflammatory disease uh there may be genetic association but
- uh we we we’re not working on any inflammatory the genetic basis of
- inflammatory disease at this stage but certainly you know that that’s an interesting topic
- there are researchers who are looking at genetic british positions to pick
- a disease response to treatments or non-responders or different manifestations of that any further
- questions does anyone have if there aren’t
- i might say thank you very much to our speakers and hand over to leighton boyd the chairman of retina australia just to
- say thank you well on behalf of retina australia i mean
- we’re very lucky here in australia i mean us as patients people with
- inherited eye diseases we can be unlucky in one way that we have our various um conditions
- but we’re in a very fortunate situation that we have lots of teams and
- certainly alex and fred are two people that have had a long association with
- retina australia they’ve presented numerous times themselves and and
- various members of their team us in retina australia we
- we welcome all the the donations from all of our
- um our donors obviously and our members but this has enabled
- um alex and fred in this case to to put together and do some
- special work on behalf of us as patients the collaboration across
- this country is amazing and as an organization
- um our aim is to to bring it all together as often as we can
- and to help us to find a treatment and cure eventually for for us all
- so thanks thanks to both of you today it always amazes me when i hear these
- presentations how such a very very difficult um topic of
- trying to explain so people like us as lay people can understand it the analogies that were
- given unfortunately rosaries here and could explain to me all these graphics and the
- the cakes and all the the rockets and all the other things and it’s it’s just
- makes things easier for us to understand we are grateful for your time we’re
- grateful for your work and your teams and uh i thank you all
- on behalf of all of us here uh we can do a virtual round of applause and uh thank you for
- your time thanks so much leighton just on that can i just
- do a sales pitch um people like alex and fred um can only
- do their work and we help contribute a little bit and and they do get bigger grants from nh and mrc and all other
- sources and and and we as an organization try to do what we can to help them out
- the money that we give is you seed funding as an organization and we’ve given over six million dollars
- since retina australia started giving our grants which is i think astounding and and amazing for all these
- people online today and and people that aren’t online we’re so grateful about
- and on june 21 uh this year we will be running our our
- giving day last year on the same day that coincides with the winter solstice
- we’re having our giving day now we’ll launch that on june 10 this year
- and all donations given on that day and after june 10 will be matched by our
- match donors last year we we raised around 78 000 in 24 hours
- which is an amazing effort and i just would like everybody online here today and all your
- friends and email list and your contact list let people know that this day is on on
- june 21 again this year and we encourage you all to give and that will enable us
- as a board to make decisions and to fund more applicants more researchers
- in in the next years ahead so thanks again to everyone and i hand back to you celine
- thanks so much leighton so that’s the end of the webinar thank you so much to both of our presenters for your time and
- the wonderful presentations and thank you all for coming along this afternoon and have the rest enjoy the rest of the
- day thanks so much bye
Past Webinars

October 2024
Cell therapy, genetic research and a patient’s perspective

May 2024
Research Update Event – Geographic atrophy and AMD

October 2023
Vision Loss Priority Setting Partnership and an Introduction to Stem Cell & Gene Therapies