Official Trailer of The Blind Sea

As a blind person it’s easier to serve bigger waves.

People would always say to me you can’t do that cause you’re disabled.

As Tom and on I realised I’d tried all those things and I could do them.

Oh my God, is this how you see?

So then every time someone said to me you can’t do it I’d do it. So my life experience was people will tell you you can’t do something but if you try you can.

Nazaré is one of the most dangerous waves in the world.

For more than a decade Surfers have embarked on a death or glory mission.

The place chosen by Matt Formston; Matt Formston; for Matt Formston; Sarah and I are both fearful of the ocean.

Nazaré is just the biggest waves in the planet you know.

The dream place but at the same time can be the worst place ever. Can be in your worst nightmare.

And yeah it’d be awesome if he does it, it would be a great story to tell.

I just say don’t die.

It’s going to be a different story if he goes out when it’s really big like giant.

Regardless of whether you blind or you can see Nazaré is going to give you an ass whipping.

There’s no such thing as barriers. There’s only obstacles. You either go over it or around it but you don’t let it stop you.

A very good performance for someone who can hardly see.

Wave keep on Wave, good speed, speed down down down down down down