Financial Assistance
There are numerous support programs available that provide financial assistance for Australians with a disability due to low vision or blindness resulting from an inherited retinal disease. Each is independent of each other and should be applied for separately.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) enables eligible people with a disability, their families and carers to design, plan and implement their own supports and services.
The NDIS provides the financial means for people to implement these supports and also includes relationship-based support, local decision-making and early engagement in good planning processes. Find out more at:

Disability Support Pension (Blind)
The Disability Support Pension (Blind) is a payment issued by Centrelink to men and women aged 16 to AGE PENSION age who are legally blind. This pension may be free of income and asset testing and is not taxable. When reaching AGE PENSION age, Australians can choose to remain on the Disability Support Pension (Blind) or transfer to Age Pension (Blind). More information is available at:
Age Pension (Blind)
The Age Pension (Blind) is a payment issued by Centrelink to people of pensionable age who are legally blind. This pension may be free of income and asset testing but for some people may be taxable. More information can be found at:
Carer Payment and Carer Allowance
Carer Payment and Carer Allowance payments are made by Centrelink to people who provide a high level of personal care and supervision. These payments may be made to carers of both adults and children.
See more at:
Adaptive Equipment Assistance
The Australian Government’s Disability Gateway Scheme has initiatives focused on providing equipment-related assistance to support mobility. This can be in the form of financial support, services and products. Examples include wheelchairs vehicle adjustments to enable driving and hoists to lift you. You can find out more at:
In addition, the NDIS supports equipment or devices that help you do things you can’t do because of your disability, of those that may also help you do something more easily or safely. You can more about NDIS Assistive Technology here:
Pensioner Education Supplement
This fortnightly Centrelink supplement helps students, who are already receiving a Centrelink payment, with additional ongoing study costs. To be eligible, a person must be enrolled in an approved secondary or tertiary course and undertaking at least 25% of the course’s normal full-time study load. A lump sum Education Entry payment is also provided upon commencement of an approved course. You can find out more at:
Employment Services
Disability Employment Services help people with disability find employment. Through Disability Employment Services, people who are blind or have low vision may be able to receive assistance to develop job applications and prepare for interviews.
These service providers are a mix of large, medium and small, for-profit and not-for-profit organisations that are experienced in supporting people with disability as well as aiding employers to put in place practices that support the employee in the workplace. See more at:
Travel and Transport
Mobility Allowance
The Mobility Allowance is a payment issued by Centrelink to people over 16 years of age, who spend at least eight hours per week in employment (paid or voluntary), vocational training, secondary education or job seeking and who cannot use public transport without substantial assistance. You can find more information at:
Travel Pass
A Travel Pass entitles the person and their guide, to travel freely on metropolitan buses, trains, trams and ferries. A Travel Pass may be issued by the State/Territory public transport authority or by a vision assistance service on behalf of the authority. Some free regional and discounted interstate and international travel may be included.

Companion Card
The Companion Card can be issued to people with a significant and permanent disability who require attendant care support from a companion to assist them on public transport and/or to access community activities and venues. Cardholders present their Companion Card on transport or at an affiliated venue or event that charges an admission fee. Affiliated organisations and businesses will admit the cardholder’s companion at no charge.
The Companion Card is issued in each State or Territory and whilst able to be used when travelling interstate, it must be issued in the home state of the applicant.
For details of each state or territory companion card refer to:
Air Travel
Airlines offer a wide range of services to help customers who are blind or vision impaired. This can include help with booking, assistance checking in, boarding, during the flight and once you reach your destination. Check with your airline or the airport for further information. In addition, many travel agents offer no or lower booking fees for people with disability.