Give hope to future generations to live without inherited blindness
We have a vision.
A world without inherited blindness.
There are no cures.
There are very few treatments.
Help us change that.

Bob Daniel Bequest Program
As a founding member of Retina Australia (formerly the Australian Retinitis Pigmentosa Society), and its inaugural president, Bob Daniel had a profound impact, helping to build a successful foundation for our organisation. To honour this contribution, we have named our Bequest program the Bob Daniel Bequest Program. The Bob Daniel Bequest Program recognises the generosity and future impact of those who intend to leave a gift in their Will to Retina Australia.
By making a gift in your Will to Retina Australia, you will be supporting generations to come. Not only for those Australians living with an inherited retinal disease, but also for their families, friends and carers. Thank you for making a difference with your kind and caring legacy.
Leighton Boyd, Chair
Retina Australia
Together we can transform the lives of our children
Your gift will give hope for future generations
That’s the thing about inherited retinal diseases, they’re passed down to family members. However, due to the complex nature of genetic inheritance, we may not even know the disease runs in the family until the first diagnosis, which in some cases, is still to come. Future discoveries and innovations in treatment can therefore mean a whole different outlook for our younger generations. Imagine the hope for those who are newly diagnosed in the future, to possibly avoid what was previously thought to be the inevitable loss of sight.

Your gift will help drive research translation to patient treatments
Medical research into inherited retinal diseases has made significant breakthroughs over the past several decades. There is a hum of excitement in the scientific and medical community that we are now at the dawn of new era, on the cusp of an explosion of therapeutic possibilities, particularly in the areas of cell and gene therapy. Research investment will accelerate the time to treatments.
Your gift will support all Australians living with inherited retinal diseases
Leaving a gift in your Will to Retina Australia would be a deeply compassionate and lasting legacy to support the estimated 16,000 Australians affected by an inherited retinal disease. Your gift will strengthen our commitment and ability to drive and advance medical research to promote earlier detection, discover preventions, advance treatments, with the ultimate goal to progress towards unlocking cures. We will also continue to provide information and support to people living with inherited retinal diseases, and their families, friends and carers. Together we can work towards transforming the lives of future generations with the hope of living without inherited blindness.
How to leave a gift in your Will
Making a Will
Making a Will is the best way to ensure that your wishes are met after you are gone. As a legal document, it is advised that you consult with and seek advice from a solicitor. A gift in your Will can be included when you first make your Will, or it can be added to your existing Will as a codicil, a short legal amendment.
Talk to your family
Talking to your loved ones about your intention to make a gift in your Will to Retina Australia will ensure your personal legacy is carried out.

Choose a gift
There are different types of gifts that you can choose to give including:
- Residual gift – After you have made provisions for your loved ones and other beneficiaries, the remainder of your assets is your residual gift.
- Specific gift – This is a specified sum of money to be gifted or a specified item(s) to be gifted, such as property, shares, bonds, jewellery or artwork.
- Percentage gift – This is a gift defined as a percentage of your total estate.
- Endowment – This is a gift of a specific sum of money to be invested, usually in perpetuity. As this initial gift amount is preserved, the income earned from it is then donated to Retina Australia. A portion of this income can also be specified by you to be re-invested along with the initial endowment. This type of gift allows you donate to Retina Australia in perpetuity.
- Whole estate – This is a gift of your entire Estate. It is usually left by those without family or other preferred beneficiaries, or those wanting to make a very significant difference with their gift.

Wording for your Will
If you decide to leave a gift in your Will to Retina Australia, we suggest the following wording in your Will:
” I give to Retina Australia, ABN 26 059 846 829, free of all duties,
- all my residual estate (OR)
- the amount of $___ in cash (OR)
- list of assets (OR)
- __% of my total estate (OR)
- the amount of $___ as an endowment gift* (OR)
- my whole estate,
for its general purposes**. I declare that the receipt of a Director of Retina Australia or other authorised officer will be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executor(s).”
*in accordance with the specified instructions
**Instead of general purposes, medical research may be specified.
Retina Australia
Retina Australia is a national charitable organisation committed to supporting Australians with inherited retinal diseases. In addition to providing information and support services, Retina Australia has invested over $6.4million across more than 150 research projects during the past 40 years. Our vision is for a world without inherited blindness.
Contact Us
For more information on leaving a gift in your Will to Retina Australia and the impact it will have, we would be delighted to assist. Please contact us at:
03 9650 5088 or 1800 999 870
or complete the form below and return to:
Bob Daniel Bequest Program
Retina Australia
247-251 Flinders Lane
Melbourne VICTORIA 3000