Scientific & Medical Advisory Committee and Grants Advisory Committee
Dr Chidlow is an internationally recognised ophthalmic scientist with special interests in retinal pathology, neuroprotection and immunohistochemistry. Dr Chidlow has developed extensive skills for this research. Specifically, he has directly supervised all of the recent laboratory investigations using the rd1 mouse model of RP, namely the spatiotemporal characterisation of cone degeneration and microglial activation in the rd1 retina, and two studies that have assessed the neuroprotective efficacies of the bioenergetic supplement creatine and of the microglial suppressor minocycline on cone survival in the rd1 mouse. He has a particular interest and expertise in retinal immunohistochemistry. Dr Chidlow developed and refined the use of RT-PCR as an important tool in neuroprotection-based ophthalmic research. This technique, using whole retinas for analysis, is now employed routinely by a number of centres around the world.
Dr Chidlow has published numerous high-quality studies investigating retinal injury and neuroprotection in various models of disease, using immunohistochemical, histological, and molecular techniques. He has proven experience of studying macro-and micro-glial responses to injury and has published a considerable number of studies looking at laser-tissue interactions. He is a world-leading retinal immunohistochemist and takes a “hands on” approach to all the in vivo techniques.